
  • Rythyms of Change(1)

Rhythms of Change in Rocky Mountain National Park

Price: $26.95

Member Price: $22.91

Item #3292

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by Ellen Wohl
with a forward by SueEllen Campbell
Ellen Wohl’s account of a year in the life of Rocky Mountain National Park reflects a lifelong interest in these rhythms and disruptions. Informed by a deep and intimate understanding of the landscape, her Rocky Mountain journal is a lyrical distillation of experience and knowledge that shows us the century-old national park as a microcosm of the natural world in the thrall of time and humanity.

“Elle Wohl delivers a highly original and compelling book. Readers of this book will view Rocky Mountain National Park in a new, different, and more meaningful way.” -James Pickering, author of The Rocky Mountain National Park Reader 

The hardbound book is 218 pages and measures 6-1/4″x9-1/4″.


by Ellen Wohl
with a forward by SueEllen Campbell
Ellen Wohl’s account of a year in the life of Rocky Mountain National Park reflects a lifelong interest in these rhythms and disruptions. Informed by a deep and intimate understanding of the landscape, her Rocky Mountain journal is a lyrical distillation of experience and knowledge that shows us the century-old national park as a microcosm of the natural world in the thrall of time and humanity.

“Elle Wohl delivers a highly original and compelling book. Readers of this book will view Rocky Mountain National Park in a new, different, and more meaningful way.” -James Pickering, author of The Rocky Mountain National Park Reader 

The hardbound book is 218 pages and measures 6-1/4″x9-1/4″.

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