Dollar-a-Day Lodging Partners
Join us!
Here’s a simple way to offer your guests an opportunity to show their support for Rocky Mountain National Park. Your business can help!
Here’s how it works:
At the time of check-in or check-out, your staff asks the guest if they would like to “Donate a Dollar per day for Rocky” and, with permission, adds the gift to the bill as a separate line item. Most tourists spend only a few days here in Estes Park, so their individual gift might be just a few dollars. Those small gifts add up! Cumulative contributions can add up to hundreds and even thousands of dollars over the course of a season — money that will directly support essential programs and projects in Rocky Mountain National Park.
The following lodging businesses participate in a program that allows their guests to make a daily donation to the Rocky Mountain Conservancy:
Increase your visibility!
In return for participating in the Dollar-a-Day program, we will provide you with recognition in our Quarterly newsletter (distributed to up to 10,000 members and donors) as well as a link to your business on our website. We’ll also publicly thank you (and provide a link to your business) on our Facebook page, which has 8,000 followers and growing.